"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." - Deut 31:6
Trail Life troop KY-0316 is a charted troop of Trail Life USA in Florence Kentucky. Our purpose is growing young men up in leadership skills, outdoor skills, and building character.
Boys love adventure. Camping, hiking, and other outdoor activities help build deep relationships and provide a special context for leadership, problem solving, conflict resolution, and character building. We also value the outdoor focus of our program as a unique means of helping a boy see and appreciate the wonder, majesty, and grandness of God as reflected in His creation.
Some boys’ programs are very focused on helping the boy achieve as many awards as he can in the shortest period of time to achieve the highest rankings and awards the program has to offer. In contrast we are more concerned with building character than with earning badges and ranks. The focus should always be on building character over merely earning awards.
Leadership with a servant’s attitude by both adults and youth is a core value of our troop. Servant leadership is characterized by humility and the willingness to work alongside others and not just “boss” people around. Leading by example and sacrifice are also qualities of servant leadership.