
Downloadable Files


Troop Bylaws, Policies & Procedures

Troop Bylaws, Policies & Procedures. Click the link above to view & download.

Troop Leadership Commitment Pledge

Troop Leadership Commitment Pledge is required for any of prospective Registered Adults. Click the link above to view & download.

Troop Leadership Roles & Responsibilities

List of our current committee members and their roles and responsibilities. Clink the link above to view & download.


Troop Partnership Pledge

Our Troop Partnership Pledge is the form that both trailman and parents need to sign to be a part of Troop KY-0316. These are to returned with payment when registering.

Adult Health & Medical Form

The Adult Member Participant Health & Medical From is required for any adult that intends to participate in any overnight activities. These need to be resubmitted each year.

Youth Health & Medical Form

The Youth Member Participant Health & Medical From is required for any trailman that intends to participate in any overnight activities. These need to be resubmitted each year.


Immunization Exemption Request

Immunization Exemption Request is required for any trailman who would is exempting their immunization.

Nav & Adventures Standard Document

The Official Troop Standard placement guide.